- Political Relations(2019-04-09)
- Special Representative of the Chinese Government on European Affairs Wu Hongbo Visits Iceland(2024-10-24)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits Eastern Cities of Iceland(2024-06-15)
- President Xi Jinping congratulates Tomasdottir on election as president of Iceland(2024-06-04)
- Ambassador He Rulong visits Borgarbyggð(2024-04-20)
- Striving for peace and justice(2024-04-19)
- Taiwan's status undetermined? A fallacy(2024-04-01)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Minister Willum Þór Þórsson(2024-04-04)
- The Global Security Initiative -- China's way forward in a turbulent world(2024-04-01)
- Prime Minister of Iceland visits the Embassy of China(2024-02-22)
- Ambassador He Rulong Met With Chair of the Social Democratic Alliance Kristrún Frostadóttir(2024-01-13)
- Vice Foreign Minister Deng Li and Permanent Secretary of State of Iceland at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Martin Eyjólfsson Hold Political Dialogue Between China's and Iceland's Ministries of Foreign Affairs(2023-12-22)
- Ambassador He Rulong Calls on the Icelandic Foreign Minister Bjarni Benediktsson(2023-12-06)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Minister Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir(2023-11-02)
- China's top legislator holds talks with Iceland's parliament speaker(2023-05-27)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Minister Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson(2023-05-09)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with the Speaker of the Parliament of Iceland(2023-04-18)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Minister Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson(2022-12-08)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Icelandic Minister of Food Svandís Svavarsdóttir(2022-11-24)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with the Minister of Culture and Commerce of Iceland Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir(2022-11-09)
- Ambassador He Rulong Presented the Icelandic Edition of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Volume I to the President of Iceland(2022-10-14)
- Ambassador He Rulong Received an Exclusive Interview from the Icelandic Media Stundin(2022-10-15)
- The Icelandic Version of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China Volume I was Launched(2022-10-12)
- Embassy of China in Iceland Holds a Reception on the 73rd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China(2022-09-28)
- Prime Minister of Iceland Addresses the Taiyuan Energy Low Carbon Development Forum 2022(2022-09-01)
- Fréttablaðið Carries an Article by Ambassador He Rulong Entitled "Taiwan Has Always Been Part of China"(2022-08-31)
- Morgunblaðið Carries an Article by Ambassador He Rulong Entitled "Common Security for Common Development"(2022-08-17)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Chief Protocol Estrid Brekkan(2022-07-20)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits China-Iceland Arctic Science Observatory(2022-06-25)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits Akureyri in Northern Iceland(2022-06-23)