- China- Iceland Cultural & Art Exchanges(2019-04-09)
- Ambassador He Rulong attends Festival of Nations(2024-11-04)
- The Embassy of China in Iceland Held an Open Day Event(2024-10-26)
- Ambassador HE Rulong Attends the Icelandic Division of the 2024 "Chinese Bridge" Language Competition(2024-04-22)
- Ambassador He Rulong Attends a Symposium and Briefing Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of KÍM(2023-11-30)
- The Icelandic Division of the 2023 "Chinese Bridge" Language Competition Successfully Held(2023-04-17)
- The Embassy of China in Iceland Hosts "Warm Welcome to the Spring" Chinese New Year Celebration Dinner with Icelandic-Chinese Trade Council(ÍKV) and Icelandic Chinese Cultural Society (KÍM)(2023-02-04)
- Ambassador He Rulong Addresses the Club of Former Ambassadors of Iceland(2022-11-02)
- Ambassador He Rulong Addresses the 2022 Annual Conference of the Icelandic Chinese Cultural Society (KÍM)(2022-10-28)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits Akureyri in Northern Iceland(2022-06-23)
- Ambassador He Rulong Tours the Icelandic National Broadcasting Service(2022-04-29)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits the University of Iceland(2022-04-20)
- Ambassador He Rulong Meets with Chairman Þorkell Ólafur Árnason of the Icelandic Chinese Cultural Society(2022-04-08)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits Former Chairman of the Icelandic-Chinese Cultural Society (KÍM)(2022-03-31)
- Ambassador He Rulong Visits Unnur Guðjónsdóttir(2022-03-29)
- Fréttablaðið Publishes a Signed Article by Chargé d'affaires Yang Wen Entitled “Join Hands Together to Create a Bright Future”(2021-12-09)
- The Embassy of China in Iceland and the Icelandic Newspaper Fréttablaðið Jointly Published a Special Edition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Iceland(2021-12-09)
- Follow the Facebook Account of the Chinese Embassy in Iceland(2020-09-23)
- Chinese Ambassador Jin Zhijian in Iceland Meets wtih Mayor of Djúpivogur(2020-07-06)
- Visir Publishes A Signed Article by Ambassador Jin Zhijian Entitled Stand Together to Overcome Difficulties(2020-04-23)
- China Daily Global Publishes A Signed Article by Ambassador Jin Zhijian Entitled Long-time Supporters(2020-03-25)
- Icelandic Overseas Chinese Association is Invited as Consular Assistance Volunteer Organization(2020-03-02)
- Chinese Ambassador to Iceland Jin Zhijian Attends Seminar on Sino-Icelandic Tourism and Delivers a Keynote Speech(2020-01-29)
- Fréttablaðið Publishes the Spring Festival Greeting Message by Chinese Ambassador Jin Zhijian on Spring Festival Special Edition(2020-01-25)
- The Chinese Embassy in Iceland and Iceland Mainstream Media Fréttablaðið Publishes Spring Festival Special Edition(2020-01-25)
- The Chinese Embassy in Iceland Holds the Gathering for Icelandic Families with Chinese Children(2020-01-21)
- All-China Women's Federation and The Chinese Embassy in Iceland Co-host Luncheon of Women Leaders Global Forum(2019-11-22)
- Chinese Ambassador to Iceland Jin Zhijian Visits National and Universtiy Liberary of Iceland(2019-11-15)
- Chinese Ambassador to Iceland Jin Zhijian Attends Icelandic Environmental Tourism Ambassador Awarding Ceremony(2019-11-01)
- Chinese Ambassador to Iceland Jin Zhijian Meets with Mayor of Akureyri Ásthildur Sturludóttir(2019-10-31)